😃 EMOTIONAL GARBAGE IS AS BAD AS ANY OTHER THING COULD BE, Here are 5 ways how release the emotional clutter

Have you ever wondered why you're hurt with certain circumstances more not because of something that is happening to you right now but because somethings have happened in the past ?
Would you ever live in a dirty home that was dirty from some remnants of the past ?

Here's the thing, life is just as simple as any other thing could be. Just like the old clutter that was useful to us at some point which doesn't serve us anymore has to be thrown and discarded similar way in life also we need to release certain psychic impressions to be having a better perspective over the present day scenario now the question is what about the lessons learnt ? are we supposed to forget them too ? The answer is simple we need to keep what's productive and leave everything that doesn't render our days with peace. 

1. Live in the Present : It's easier said than done but you need to not give a damn about what all trauma or turmoils you have been through in order to function sanely. You need to let go of the negativity that the past had left you with, in fact take some lessons out of them. You maybe cheated, hurt or used by a loved one or maybe something didn't go as per your expectations which resulted in leaving you with a feeling that your life isn't very good but the truth is that the world has all kind of people and the lesson out of such odds is that yes you can't open your vulnerable side to just anybody, you need to be extra cautious while trusting people because out of all the polices in this world the moral police can't send anybody to jail for wrong doing your emotions so you need to take a front seat when it comes to handling your emotional well being instead of being gullible to people who become emotional predators.

2. Clear the noise : Have you ever studied or read anything greatly with full concentration while in a noisy room ? No, obviously! So why talking to too many people for your issues makes sense to you, the more the noise the more confusion will crop up in your mind. We feel so many people care for our problems while mostly are just being mere spectators or gossip mongers, why cater to their cravings of deriving scoops out your life.. You will be surprised to know that the best person who can help you is YOU, yes you heard it right.. There is no one who could help you like you. Just sit alone in a peaceful place with 0 noise and write down the questions that have been troubling you emotionally and add the last questions as 'What are my best distractions to come out of it?', 'Is it so bad that I see myself suffering even 10 years hence ?'. Ask these to yourself and then make notes of what comes to your mind and repeat to yourself 'My strength to withstand this pain is bigger than this pain', 'I will stand up and not quit on myself'. 

3. Restrict your circle to positive influences only : We all have friends who fall in different categories. We need to have more people who are a positive influence on us rather than just the steady friends who are good just for night outs or crazy fun, encourage friends of deeper intellectual value to find place in your life, so that their uplifting ideas can help you build a positive prospective over your issues as well.

4. Love yourself despite the flaws : We all are a little bit flawed, it's okay to be imperfect. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you have done indirectly for hurting your own self and next time take it as a lesson that you won't fall victim to unnecessary people pleasing or any other act which gets you demeaned or makes you feel less of value. 

5. Learn the lesson and release the pain: Like you can't keep the clutter in your room for all the years of your personal transition similarly you can't keep your pains after all the years of transitions. Release the negativity and stop thinking about the broken pieces that don't belong anywhere presently. Live a positive life and lifestyle. 

Mental and emotional health is as important as anything else.


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