Real people are the ones that make our lives livable but how do we tell them apart from the fake & superficial people. Here are some tips for telling the difference.

1. Real people like to be good to everyone & treat everyone well until there is something about the people that drains them out. They generally are nice to everyone except the ones who give them negative vibes. These are the ones who will like your pictures if you are good to them, these are the ones who will reply promptly if you have never offended them or been inappropriate.
Fake people on the contrary only treat well when you're someone influential and can be made use of. The fake people are not generally nice & reciprocative in fact they are the ones who won't be nice to you despite your being good to them (given the fact there has to be nothing shady about you). These are the ones who won't give you a thumbs up even though you have really been very good to them or won't care to reply given the fact there is nothing about you that they have disliked ever.

2. Real people are not people pleasers and will only please when they genuinely like certain something with no intention to make use of people but to appreciate.
Fake people are nice only at purpose and make calculated moves, they have clear intentions aiming at their benefit. They can be ruthless also at times with no conscience what so ever.

3. Real people will always be humble even though they are at a prestigious position. Real people care for the moral ethics and being polite is a part of their nature, they tend to loose their cool only when there is something really very wrong.
Fake people will always sing praises of themselves, will be conceited with a hugely inflated ego and will also treat others as inferiors.

4. Real people are ones who can bring out their appreciation of you openly without being intimidated by your growth.
Fake ones will always be aware of your achievements and would seldom formally appreciate you because they are hugely jealous & their egos won't allow them to praise others.

5. Real people live by the virtue of honesty & believe in giving honest opinion even if you wouldn't like to hear it. If they wish for the optimum best for you then they won't hesitate in giving you an honest review.
Fake people won't care to misguide you with false praises if you are somebody to be made use of and they will also not care if the fake appreciation staggers your growth in life, in fact they don't really care much for you & are always secretly jealous.

Fake people often come by masked as real people, we hope this helps you in getting an insight about how to differentiate between the two.


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